
Our aim is to help workers improve the lives of children, families, service users and carers by, call us old fashioned, by spending most of their time with them. And not sat in front of computers.

By writing and recording more effectively workers can spend more time with the people who matter most: social work not paperwork.

We want to help services transform the way they record and write. And we can transform by , er, going back to basics; as you'd probably expect the author of Plain English for Social Services and The Write Stuff.

Our director, Graham Hopkins, worked as head of inspection running arguably the country's most  innovative inspection unit. He also author of An Inspector Calls - a guide to effective social care inspection

Graham is also author of Nell Gwynne - A Passionate Life and Constant Delights - Rakes, Rogues and Scandal in Restoration England. You can tell he's at the highbrow end of the market.

Make the old boy smile by visiting our online SHOP.


do the write thing:  (e) office@dothewritething.co.uk